Words duplication
Anirudh K
When a Final Presentation is generated and exported as PowerPoint presentation changes to the text in the presentation aren't being made .
There is lot of duplication of words happening and when we try to edit the duplicated words manually it repeats but does not allow to remove the duplicates
Alison Bemis (Design @ Gamma)
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Merged in a post:
Duplicate Words in Presentations Created Using Gamma
Sudip Dey
I am writing to report an issue I have encountered while using Gamma to create presentations. Occasionally, I notice that some words appear twice in the generated slides. This affects the presentation's clarity and requires manual correction.
Could you please look into this glitch? Additionally, I would appreciate any guidance on how to prevent this from happening in the future.
Thank you for your support.
Esteban Ruiz Omegna
The same thing happens to me, there is no solution yet
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Merged in a post:
Duplicate words in multiple slides for exported PPT
Linda Ozokwelu
I exported into powerpoint and there is a weird bug where in several slides, a word will be duplicated (like strategies strategies). If I try to delete the duplicated word, it goes away but when I come back it can be there again. I presented with this and thought I fixed all the duplicates before presenting and it showed up again.
Esteban Ruiz Omegna
The same thing happens to me, and I can't edit it since it changes again on other sheets of the presentation. This has caused me more than one problem at the time of filing... why is this happening?
Hilary (CX @ Gamma)
Anirudh K thank you for flagging. This is a known issue that we are actively working on resolving.
Sébastien PEYRARD
I have exactly the same problem on all presentations exported under PowerPoint. And even stranger: If I want to correct the content by removing duplicate words, as soon as I select the text they disappear. So in fact it is impossible to correct it except to create a new text box and rewrite it manually.
Moreover, this display modification seems to be “alive”. That is to say that I see the content of the text change just by navigating from one slide to another and that it is different between the slide in work mode and in presentation mode (see the 2 attached images)
Alison Bemis (Design @ Gamma)
Sébastien PEYRARD: Hi, thanks for reporting — could you reply with a link to the presentation or email it to nik@gamma.app so that our engineers can try to figure out what's going on?
Hi, thanks for the report. Could you respond with a link to the presentation or email it to nik@gamma.app so our engineers can try to understand what's going on?
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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