Author Name and Title = PptxGenJS

John Swartz
Can we change that either let us set it. Or set it to something generic like "Author" and "Title"
pptx.title = "PptxGenJS Test Suite Presentation";
pptx.subject = "PptxGenJS Test Suite Export"; = "Brent Ely"; = CUST_NAME;
Benefit you so people dont know the magic behind the scenes.
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Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Hi John Swartz where are you seeing this in the PPT? I'm a designer so not too familiar with the intricacies of ppt metadata, but I can pass to our engineers

John Swartz
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
You can see it in a number of places.
-Open Presentation in Powerpoint
-Click FILE
-Click INFO
-Look on Right hand side
See image for details.

John Swartz
Please dont put "" or something.. most of us dont want people to know we are using an AI tool.