Improve folders and add ability to create subfolders
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Default folder
Sven De Mey
You don't want everyone to see all presentations when you log into your account. It would be better to let you choose a default folder when opening, showing only what you want.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Ability to organize gammas into folders from the default view.
Kyle Morse
Note: this isn't a groundbreaking feature request. More for user experience.
I went too hard on gamma, and made a dozen or so presentations without understanding that I should have created folders first, and created the gammas inside the folders. I wish you could add the ability to add a gamma tot a particular folder when I navigate from all gammas > All.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Organisation Folders in User Profile
Andrew Laste
I would like to see more organised capabilities in the member profile by creating different folders for my content. Love the app.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Merged in a post:
Improve gamma folders
Kieran Dwyer
Please add folders to Gamma docs!!. This would so simple... but HUGE. I love this platform but I also love organization. Also shoutout @blackhatwizard on twitter for showing me this platform
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Laia Moreno
Having the ability to create subfolders within folders would greatly enhance organization and improve efficiency.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Management of files in sub-folders
Anthony JOBLON
Integrate the possibility in folders to be able to manage in sub-folders on several levels. Create a subfolder architecture for each project for example.
Project A (Root Folder) > Marketing Strategy (Sub-Folder) >...
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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mrinalkantimahadani .
Kindly add subfolder system in folder. Besides that we are unable to move gammas into different folder as per our need.
Barb Katchmar
Agreed. I would like to create one folder and move all the gammas into that for each school i teach for. Otherwise students can see all the presentations from other schools
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Creating sub-folders
Fondoempleo 20419022722
They should allow the creation of sub-folders in order to have better management of topic categories, it doesn't look good to have all the works mixed together from the Gammas view, they should only be seen in the folder that was assigned to them.
Paul Dumbravanu
Any update? This is essential
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