More charts and diagrams (swim lane diagrams, gantt charts, org charts, etc)
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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I dont understand how to input the Gantt Chart page into the Presentation
Anneyanitt Jirametthanakij
try many times , it is quite difficult to understand
Anneyanitt Jirametthanakij
Can you suggest easily , thank you.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Animate an existing sociogram
Hello, Do you know if GAMMA can help me animate a sociogram that has already been done?
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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more diagrams or layouts to show causal relationships
Stéphane Roy
Especially in a horizontal format.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Support for mermaid diagrams
Maarten Boon
I'm very grateful for the platform as it is now, as I'm making all my presentations with Mermaid now.
I'd like to request for the team to consider including mermaid diagrams (visuals) as a feature. Since Gamma already includes Markdown formatting, this sounds like a logical next step.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Process flows
CJ Grobler
Add the ability to create a process flow diagram. Horizontal, vertical, zig-zag, and "snake layout".
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Please add more diagrams for historical or parlamental presentetions
Nurbek Shakarbayev
In generetion of presentation's not a diagrams or charts
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Org Chart
Andy Chand
Would be great to have Org Chart capabilities!
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Include Organogram chart among the chart types
Saad Kakakhel
It would be incredibly beneficial to incorporate an Organizational Chart (Organogram) feature into the app. An organizational chart is a visual representation of a company's or team's structure, showing the relationships and relative ranks of its various members. This tool plays a crucial role in ensuring clarity in communication, establishing reporting lines, and optimizing workflow efficiency within an organization.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Radar chart
Hyunji B
Can you make radar chart? Also very important that differs in number of points 5~8, and not a fixed one.
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