Reusable content and media library
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Making generated images available on all slides in a presentation/site
It would be great if the images created in a slide could be used in any other slide or throughout the presentation/website. I have one image on my first slide that would be an ideal background for all the others, but I have to make a number of convoluted moves to save and import it to do so.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Image dashboard filter/search
Please add search/filter in the dashboard for images based on style, colors, and concepts
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Allow me to sort and arrange AI images
Sort best photos and blurred and move to separate folders
Alison (Design @ Gamma)
Hey Stylex19, you can do this! Scroll down a bit and then click "All images". This should show you all images that you've generated in your workspace.
Let me know if the image you're looking for doesn't appear.
Alison (Design @ Gamma) Thanks for that! I don't know why it didn't seem to work earlier, but I likely overlooked it by overthinking my project.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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I think it would be a great feature if you can
Already G Group
It would be great if we could put our images within 'collections' or folder types, because currently we have to scroll down to re-find an earlier generated photo.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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have a better image navigation and deletion system
Excel Training London
be able to have a proper filen structure to store images
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Being able to upload your own photos and illustrations
Michiel Duyfjes
I want to be able to upload my own photo (library) into Gamma.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Media Library for company product screenshots
Marshall England
I want to upload some standard product dashboard screenshots of my company's SaaS application. Image file names would be named with use case, capability, etc. - something descriptive - so that the AI will know when to incorporate that image based on the prompt written for the Gamma creation. (eg. card on X capability which has a screenshot of the dashboard in the library - use that not AI generated or stock photo).
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
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Frequently used images library
Laura Chambers
To be able to store a library of frequently used images like logos, products, etc. Useful especially to ensure brand consistency that only the correct images/logos are being used.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Yeah. We need this. It's on the radar, and probably slated for 2025 sometime
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