Support full bleed or borderless image cards
Gus Baden
Hey, love your app, but I would really like some more styling options. I don't like that images cant be their own card for pdfs. The card border makes it look less professional. Can there be an option where an image is the entire slide?
Also I would like more stylization options with color boxes, borders, and drop shadows to take up white space.
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Merged in a post:
Support image cards and better image resizing
Dinesh Muniandy
Please provide a way to resize images as they are added into website cards or sections. When we include our own images, we need to resize aspect ratio, crop and etc - but it still doesn't allow proper display of the image and there is no control on how images can be moved (like pan) within the image frame. This hides the different section of the images, that I would otherwise want to potray more.