Dr. Rick Arrowood
I think you should not have file size limits in settings for profile pic. I've tried several images and keep getting the same (annoying message) that my file size is too large. And now I have to sign up for Canny in order to send you an idea? I like your platform, but this is not a user-friendly start!
Nik Payne (Gamma design)
Thanks Dr. Rick Arrowood for reporting; we should add some supporting text with the limit. I believe the file size limit for normal photos is 4,000 x 5,000 in the editor, but the profile picture limit may be smaller. What size image are you using?
Dr. Rick Arrowood
Nik Payne (Gamma design) hi I am trying all sizes (which is 20 mb and above)
I found a smaller one and that works.